Growing up near the broad horizon of the ocean undoubtedly influenced my interest in large-scale marine ecology. I was trained in marine benthic ecology as a high school student at Sandy Hook Marine Lab, NJ. Studying the impacts of sewage and dredge spoil dumping on offshore marine life impressed upon me the need to mitigate anthropogenic impacts on the ocean. As an undergraduate, I was fortunate to conduct a year long independent study of animal-sediment relations in a New Zealand estuary. This experience taught me how to do science and it helped develop my world view of ecology and sense of belonging to a global human community. I spent another year and a half in the South Pacific, working my way through the Fiji and New Hebrides Islands to see pristine coral reefs before they were altered by human disturbance. I began to learn the spectacularly diverse marine invertebrate fauna of the western Pacific during this time, which helped enormously when I began a global biodiversity study nearly two decades later. I re-entered the academic community at the University of New Hampshire. Excited about the opportunities in marine community ecology, I went straight through for a PhD with Larry Harris. A post-doc at Northeastern University's Marine Science Center with Ken Sebens led to my first faculty position. I helped develop the East West Marine Biology Program there and enjoyed teaching marine benthic ecology in Nahant and coral reef ecology in Jamaica. I am deeply committed to training the next generation of ecologists and to developing the best marine conservation science. I moved to Brown University in 1994. I have been fortunate to conduct research in 5 out of 6 oceans of the world.
Witman, J.D., R. W. Lamb and J. E. K. Byrnes. In press. Towards an integration of scale and complexity in marine ecology. Ecological Monographs (Centennial Issue)
Palardy, J. E and J. D. Witman 2014. Flow, recruitment limitation, and the maintenance of diversity in marine benthic communities. Ecology 95: 286-297.
Weissburg, M.. B. Helmuth and J. Witman. 2014. The physical context of marine communities. Pp. 11-36, Chapter 2 in Bertness, M. J. Bruno, B. Silliman and J. Stachowicz eds. Marine Community Ecology and Conservation Sinauer Press
Altieri, A.H. and J. D. Witman 2014. Modular mobile foundation species as reservoirs of biodiversity. Ecosphere 5(10):124. 1 – 11.
Witman, J.D., P.K. Dayton, S. Arnold, R.S. Steneck and C. Birkeland 2013. Scuba revolutionizes marine science. Pp 3 -11. Smithsonian Contributions to Marine Science no 39.,Washington DC
Witman, J. D. 2013 Are regional effects on local diversity more important in marine than in terrestrial communities ? Oikos. 122: 301-305
Brandt, M., J.D. Witman and A. Chiriboga 2012. Influence of a dominant consumer species reverses at increased diversity. Ecology 93: 868-878.
Dee, L. E, J.D. Witman and M. Brandt. 2012 . Refugia and top-down control of the pencil urchin Eucidaris galapagensis in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 416-417: 135-143.
Palardy, J. and J.D. Witman 2011. Water flow drives biodiversity by mediating rarity in marine benthic communities. Ecology Letters 14:63-68
Witman, J.D., M. Brandt and F. Smith 2010. Coupling between subtidal prey and consumers along a mesoscale upwelling gradient in the Galapagos Islands. Ecological Monographs 80: 153-177.
Lee, D. E., J.H. Robinson, J.D. Witman, S.E. Copeland, F. Smith, E.M. Harper and M. Lamare. 2010 Observations on recruitment, growth and ecology in a diverse living brachiopod community, Doubtful Sound, Fiordland, New Zealand. Special Papers in Paleontology 84:177-191.
Irving, A. D. and J.D. Witman 2009. Positive effects of damselfish override negative effects of urchins to prevent a habitat switch. Journal of Ecology 97: 337-347.
Kotta, J. and J.D. Witman 2009. Regional scale patterns Pp 89-99. In: Hard Bottom Communities: patterns, scales, functions, shifts. M. Wahl (Ed), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany
Witman, J.D. and K. Roy 2009 Marine Macroecology. Edited book, University of Chicago Press.
Witman, J.D. and K. Roy 2009.Introduction. Chapter 1 in Marine Macroecology. University of Chicago Press. Pp. vii – xv. J.D. Witman and K. Roy editors
Roy, K.R. and J.D. Witman 2009. Species diversity of shallow marine invertebrates: patterns, processes and prospects. Chapter 4 in Marine Macroecology Pp. 101-121. University of Chicago Press. J.D. Witman and K. Roy editors
Leichter, J.J. and J.D. Witman. 2009 Basin-scale oceanographic influences on marine macroecological patterns. Chapter 8 in Marine Macroecology. Pp. 203-226. University of Chicago Press. J.D. Witman and K. Roy editors
Witman, J. D. and K. R. Roy 2009. Experimental marine macroecology. Chapter 13 in Marine Macroecology. University of Chicago Press. Pp. 341-356 J.D. Witman and K. Roy editors
Witman, J. D., M. Cusson, P. Archambault, A. J. Pershing and N. Mieszkowska. 2008. The relation between productivity and species diversity in temperate – Arctic marine ecosystems. Ecology 88: S66S80.
Ellis, J.C., M. J. Shulman, M. Wood, J. D. Witman, and S. Lozyniak 2007. Regulation of intertidal food webs by avian predators on New England rocky shores . Ecology 88: 853-863.
Witman, J.D. 2007 Benthic - pelagic coupling. Pp 68-71. In: Encyclopedia of tidepools and rocky shores M.W. Denny and S.D. Gaines (eds.) University of California Press, Berkeley, CA
Ellis, J.C., Fariña, J.M., and Witman, J.D. 2006. Nutrient transfer from sea to land: the case of gulls and cormorants in the Gulf of Maine. Journal of Animal Ecology.75: 565- 574.
Lindsey, E, L., Altieri, A.H. and J.D.Witman 2006. Influence of biogenic habitat on the recruitment and distribution of a subtidal xanthid crab. Marine Ecology Progress Series 306: 223-231.
Shelton, A O., D. A. Woodby, K. Hebert and J. D. Witman 2006. Evaluating age determination and spatial patterns of growth of the red sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus franciscanus) in southeast Alaska. Transactions of American Fisheries Society 135: 1670-1680.
Altieri, A.H and J.D. Witman. 2006 Local extinction of a foundation species in a hypoxic estuary: integrating individuals to ecosystem. Ecology 87: 717-730.
Hill, M.F, J.D. Witman and H.Caswell 2004. Markov chain analysis of succession in a rocky subtidal community. American Naturalist 164: E46-E61
Witman, J.D., J.C. Ellis and W.B. Anderson. 2004. The influence of physical processes, organisms and permeability on cross-ecosystem fluxes. Pp 335-349 in Polis, G.A., M.E. Power and G.R. Huxel eds. Food webs at the landscape level. Univ Chicago Press.
Witman, J.D., M.R. Patterson and S.J. Genovese. 2004 Benthic pelagic linkages in subtidal communities: influence of food subsidy by internal waves. Pp 133-153 in Polis, G.A., M.E. Power and G.R. Huxel Ed. Food webs at the landscape level. University of Chicago Press.
Witman, J.D, R.J. Etter and F. Smith. 2004. The relationship between regional and local species diversity in marine benthic communities: a global perspective. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 101: 156644 - 15669.
Siddon, C.E and J.D.Witman 2004. Behavioral indirect interactions: multiple predator effects and prey switching in the shallow rocky subtidal. Ecology 85: 2398-2945.
Witman, J.D. and F. Smith. 2003. Rapid community change at a tropical upwelling site in the Galapagos Marine Reserve. Biodiversity and Conservation. 12: 25-45
Witman, J.D., S.J. Genovese, J. F. Bruno, J. W. McLaughlin and B. I. Pavlin. 2003. Massive prey recruitment and the control of rocky subtidal communities on large spatial scales. Ecological Monographs 73: 441-462
Hill, M.F., J.D. Witman and H. Caswell 2002. Spatio-temporal variation in Markov Chain models of subtidal community succession. Ecology Letters, 5: 665-675
Lucky, A., T.L. Erwin and J.D. Witman 2002. Temporal and spatial diversity and distribution of arboreal Carabidae in a Western Amazonian Rain Forest. Biotropica 34: 376 – 386.
Witman, J.D. and P.K. Dayton. 2001. Rocky subtidal communities. Pages 229-366 in M.D. Bertness, S.D. Gaines and M.E. Hay, editors. Marine community ecology. Sinauer Associates, Inc, USA.
Bruno, J.F., C. Siddon, J.D. Witman and P.L. Colin. 2001. El Niño related coral bleaching in Palau, Western Caroline Islands. Coral Reefs. 20: 127-136
Witman, J.D and K.R. Grange. 1998. Links between rain, salinity and predation in a rocky subtidal community. Ecology 79: 2429-2447
Smith, F. and J.D. Witman. 1999. Species diversity in subtidal landscapes: maintenance by physical processes and larval recruitment. Ecology 80: 51-69
Genovese, S.J and J.D. Witman. 1999. Interactive effects of flow speed and particle concentration on growth rates of an active suspension feeder. Limnology and Oceanography. 44: 1120- 1131
Leichter, J.J. and J.D. Witman. 1997. Water flow over subtidal rock walls: effects on distribution and growth of suspension feeders. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 209: 293-307.
Pile, A.J., M.R. Patterson and J.D. Witman. 1996. In situ grazing on plankton < 10 um by the boreal sponge Mycale lingua. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 141: 95-102
Bruno, J.F. and J.D.Witman. 1996. Defensive mechanisms of scleractinian cup corals against overgrowth by colonial invertebrates. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 207: 229-241.
Andres, N. G. and J.D. Witman 1995. Trends in community structure on a Jamaican reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 118: 305-310.
Lesser, M.P, J.D. Witman and K.P. Sebens. 1994. Effects of flow and seston availability on scope for growth of benthic suspension feeding invertebrates from the Gulf of Maine. Biological Bulletin. 187:319335
Witman, J.D., J.J. Leichter, S.J. Genovese, and D.A. Brooks. 1993 Pulsed phytoplankton supply to the rocky subtidal zone: influence of internal waves Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 90: 1686-1690.
Sheild, C.J. and J. D. Witman. 1993. The impact of Henricia sanginolenta predation on the finger sponges, Isodictya spp. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 166: 107 -133.
Dumas, J.V. and J.D. Witman 1993. Predation by gulls on two rocky intertidal crabs, Cancer irroratus and Carcinus maenus. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 169: 89 – 101
Witman, J. D. and K. P. Sebens. 1992. Regional variation in fish predation intensity: a historical perspective in the Gulf of Maine. Oecologia 90: 305 - 315.
Witman, J. D. 1992. Physical disturbance and community structure of exposed and protected reefs: a case study from St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. American Zoologist 32: 641-634.
Edmunds, P.J and J.D. Witman. 1991. Effect of Hurricane Hugo on the primary framework of a reef along the south shore of St. John, US Virgin Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 78: 201-204.
Witman, J. D. 1988. Stability of Atlantic kelp forests. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 3: 285- 286.
Witman, J. D. 1988. Effects of predation by the fireworm Hermodice carunculata on milleporid hydrocorals. Bulletin of Marine Science. 42: 446-458.
Witman, J. D. 1987. Subtidal coexistence: storms, grazing, mutualism, and the zonation of kelps and mussels. Ecological Monographs 57: 167-187.
Witman, J. D. 1985. Refuges, biological disturbance, and rocky subtidal community structure in New England. Ecological Monographs 55: 421-445
Witman, J.D. and T.H. Suchanek. 1984. Mussels in flow: drag and dislodgment by epizoans. Marine Ecology Progress Series.16: 259 - 268.
Witman, J.D. and R.A. Cooper. 1983. Disturbance and contrasting patterns of population structure in the brachiopod Terebratulina septentrionalis from two subtidal habitats. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 73: 57-79.
Year | Degree | Institution |
1984 | PhD | University of New Hampshire |
1982 | MS | University of New Hampshire |
1977 | BA | University of New Hampshire |
BIOL 0420 - Principles of Ecology |
BIOL 1420 - Experimental Design in Ecology |
BIOL 1440 - Coral Reef Ecology |